People get judged on what they wear and what clothes they wear, what bag they have is it designer or is it just from a normal shop, what shoes they own are the branded. I think every day it seems more and more people are judging you on what you are like. Once I was playing this game with a few of my friends, the game is where two people get chosen to go out of the room and one person asks the other a question so like who has the nicest hair and then they would come back in and stand behind the person who they thought it was and only the person who asked the question and the other people who know not the person who got stood behind so two of my friends went out of the room and they got asked who do you think wears the cheapest chaveyist clothes and that person is like one of my best friends and they came back in and she chose me I did not know at the time what she chose me for but after everyone came up to me and told me, I could not believe that her of all people would say something li...
Hello How Are You Today? lifestyle blogger | just my feelings being expressed | be the person you want to be | do what makes you happy