Having confidence. Being yourself. Your own individual person. Your happiness.
You don’t need someone in your life who puts you down. Yes you might feel happy. But are you actually happy? You can try and convince yourself that your happy. But your not.
Words go round and round in my head. I constantly put other people before myself; that’s an human natural way to feel and it’s called not being selfish. But what I do is never good enough for someone. Being kind to one another is the only thing you need.
I haven’t shown people the respect that some people deserve. My actions are uncontrollable when it concerns my family. I would do anything and everything to protect them. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for my family. The support they have given me over the years; words honestly describe.
I learn my way in life. I make my own mistakes. Making mistakes is a part of growing up, making mistakes will make you a better person because you would learn from your mistakes you have made. Taking time to respect the decisions you have made. You always made that decision for a reason after all.
Start a new chapter in your life. Be happy and be yourself...
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