What is beauty?
Beauty is not about having flawless Skin not one spot on your face and Not having a hair out of place. Or eyebrows being perfect a perfect shape and being perfect all the time.
Well that is not beauty I think beauty is being yourself not being Someone you are not. I want everyone to be thereself and dressing to your own unique style not just wearing a outfit that everyone is wearing at school and you feel as if you need to get it well you don't. I think the meaning of beauty you should be yourself. People always judge you on the way you look and I think that is wrong like the quote "never judge a book by its cover " it is so true.
People do not know the meaning of beauty because it is not about looks I think it is just to be yourself and to be happy and not care what people think about you and how people treat you because you are you, you are unique and don't let anyone change you and never change for someone else you are beautiful you are your own person.
People always judge you but no one should care what they think about you because there is people who judge you pick on you and make fun of you it is not nice (I know what you are going through because I have had that before) and some people do it to make themselves feel better, I know that sounds so wrong but it is true maybe if someone is saying nasty spiteful stuff about you then you should find out why you need to be the better person two wrongs do not make a right but maybe if things get to bad tell someone or tell them how it makes you feel.
I want people to be thereselfs and not change because someone tells them to just be yourself you are unique no one can be you.
Have you ever felt you need to change for someone?
If you have don't because you don't need to you are beautiful inside and out and unique.
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