Christmas is the time of year you spend with your family, the people you love to be around you. It is a time about caring and giving. Teenagers do it, everyone does it, I do it, I take my family for granted. I cant tell you how much I have taken my family for granted lately.When I feel they are against me and they just wont let me do what I want to do they are only being there for me and keeping me safe. They have nothing against me they just try and help me in every way they can. Christmas is the time of year you spend quality time with your family and celebrate. I know I am incredibly lucky to have to the family I have. Family stick together through thick and thin. Your family will always be the thing you will always have, doesn't matter where you are in this world they will always be there. So because it is nearly Christmas take time and think about your family and the people who don`t have family to celebrate this time off year with. Doesn't matter where you are or ...
Hello How Are You Today? lifestyle blogger | just my feelings being expressed | be the person you want to be | do what makes you happy