1. Go out for a walk with you friends or family spending time outdoors if you can leave you phone behind try and embrace the outdoors.
2. Read a book or a magazine if it is raining don't just think to pick up your phone because everyone has done that I have just pick up my phone but I am determine to try and do that this year, read a book you will feel productive and you will feel happier my favorite books are at the minute :
Fault in our stars or paper towns
And a magazine vogue because it is fashion and I love fashion.
3. Have a water fight if it is warmer Enough because some places like England it is still freezing cold but it might be warm where you live.
4. Do some baking you can make anything you want to if it is healthy or unhealthy whatever you want it may not take you long once you have made it go and sit outside it the fresh air instead of the TV.
5. Go out with you friends If it is just for a tea or coffee and a slice of cake whatever have a catch up maybe invite someone you have not seen in a while.
6. Have a pamper day paint you nails a face mask maybe whatever you want make yourself feel beautiful and proud.
I hope these tips help you
What season is it where you live?
In England it is spring!!
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