What to do this summer: 1. Watch the sunset 2. Go on a walk with your best friends 3. Take photos with your friends have a photo shoot 4. Go on a picnic 5. Make your own Popsicle 6. Have a sleepover 7. Go on a bike ride 8. Pick strawberry's 9. Go stargazing on a warm night 10. Make your own bubbles and have a bubble fight 11. Pick wildflower 12. Throw a BBQ for friends and family 13. Fly a kite 14. Go swimming 15. Do some gardening 16. Help a neighbor or family member out 17. Go camping 18. Go out for a day trip 19. Have a water fight 20. Have a ice cream 21. Play in the sprinkler 22. Go see a Summer movie 23. Collect seashells 24. Press flowers to make bookmarks 25. Have an outdoor tea party 26. Go to the farmers market 27. Buy ice cream from a truck Some of these things you might be able to achieve this summer or when the warmer weather comes, but if you live...
Hello How Are You Today? lifestyle blogger | just my feelings being expressed | be the person you want to be | do what makes you happy